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Student & Teacher Interviews


Student & Teacher Interviews

Tiara Raffoul

Harrison Don

October 15, 2020

1. Have you or do you still litter? "I have littered before however I have not in recent years"

2. Did you learn any information from the PowerPoint? "Yes, I did learn some new facts from the power point. I found the fact that littering from a car can distract drivers, that's very interesting. I have never thought of the impact of littering in this way before."

3. What do you want to do now to reduce litter? "I believe that recycling is a fantastic way to reduce litter and cleaning our streets and oceans."

4. How do you bring your lunch, in plastic packaging or in a container? "I bring my lunch in a container"

5. Where does plastic litter end up? "Often in oceans and wilderness, either caused from direct personal littering or from landfills."

October 14, 2020

1. Have you or do you still litter? "No, I have not littered at all."


2. Did you learn any information from the PowerPoint? "It’s the same information you hear everywhere."


3. What do you want to do now to reduce litter? "make sure that people pick up rubbish and just put it in the bin, do not be lazy."


4. How do you bring your lunch, in plastic packaging or in a container? "Mainly I bring it in a lunch container, and I tend to have plastic wrap sandwich and packets of chips for school."


5. Where does plastic litter end up? "It could end up in sewage systems, near the oceans, it could end up in side streets and basically everywhere."

Bailey Partridge

October 12, 2020

1. Have you or do you still litter? "I have littered before but learned form my mistakes and have not done it since."

2. Did you learn any information from the PowerPoint? "Yes, I learned that you can go to jail for littering."

3. What do you want to do now to reduce litter? "I want to pick up my own rubbish and get others to as well."

4. How do you bring your lunch, in plastic packaging or in a container? "I bring my lunch is plastic wrappers."

5. Where does plastic litter end up? "A lot of plastic litter ends up in the ocean."

Mr Gelderbloem

October 13, 2020

1. Have you or do you still litter? "No, I have never littered in my life."


2. Did you learn any information from the PowerPoint? "No, i already knew about littering and how detromental it is to our planet."


3. What do you want to do now to reduce litter? "I want to inform the general public about littering and bad it is for our planet."


4. How do you bring your lunch, in plastic packaging or in a container? "I usually use a container"


5. Where does plastic litter end up? "From what i know most of it ends up in the ocean."


Brodie Pendlebury

October 13, 2020

1. Have you or do you still litter? "Yeah i used to litter way back but i have stopped".

2. Did you learn any information from the PowerPoint? "Yes looking at the powerpoint really opened eyes on how bad littering is."

3. What do you want to do now to reduce litter? "Encourage recyling and have more bins around the school for people to use."

4. How do you bring your lunch, in plastic packaging or in a container? "I bring my food in plastic packaging always."

5. Where does plastic litter end up? "Looking at the information on the powerpoint most of the litter ends up in the ocean."

Elsie Anderson

October 13, 2020

1. Have you or do you still litter? "No, I am very environmentally conscious."


2. Did you learn any information from the PowerPoint? "learnt about the car accidents, I never thought of people littering out of cars would distract other drivers behind them"


3. What do you want to do now to reduce litter? "During lunch time if I have rubbish, I will make sure all the rubbish I have goes in the bin and I’ll make sure students put their rubbish when in the bin when I’m on yard duty."


4. How do you bring your lunch, in plastic packaging or in a container? "I bring my food in a container"


5. Where does plastic litter end up? "The litter usually end up in the oceans"

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